
Supporting the swans that make Worcester their home is a community effort. Dozens of people, known and unknown, feed the swans and keep an eye on them.

There are many other ways to help too.

  • Tell your friends and family about our handy bags and discounted 15kg sacks of swan food. As well as feeding the swans, these sales bring in some of the funds we need to buy mixed corn for daily feeding. So when you buy pellets from us, you are also providing corns for the swans!

  • Take out a monthly standing order for an amount of your choice. This basic income provides a buffer against falls in fund raising or sales of swan food (when the weather is bad, or shops are closed, or there is an economic crisis).

  • Visit Caffè Nero in Broad Street in Worcester, and buy one of our second hand books. Just 50p!

  • Please remember The Swan Food Project in your will!

  • Give us your unwanted gifts. We’ll sell them to raise funds.

  • Fundraise for us! Got things you love to do? Running? Long distance walking? Growing plants? Making things? Choose your own way to do a fundraiser for us while you have fun. Get in touch for help and promotion of your event.
Sacks of corn
The Swan Food Store

The swan food store itself was funded in part by a match funded Small Grant from Worcester City Council. The rest was funded from donations and fundraising.

The mixed corn we feed is paid for by fundraising and donations. One sack of mixed corn cost £6.50 when we first started buying it. It is currently £9.75.