Making a donation

Thank you so much for helping us buy mixed corn for the swans’ daily feed.

The simplest way to do this, avoiding charges for you and us, is to make a bank transfer direct to the Project’s bank account as follows:

Bank Account Name: The Swan Food Project
Sort Code: 30-98-90
Account Number: 20179860
Reference: Donation
You’ll be able to make a one-off donation, or set up a regular standing order. These make up for the impact of weather and inflation on our fund-raising activities.

We won’t have your contact details this way, so if you would like to tell us about your donation – perhaps you have raised the funds for us – please use the Contact Us page or email

We email supporters with a newsletter several times a year, by way of thanks. If you’d like to receive this, let us know.

Hungry swans at tea time, 17th February 2024